Prove your creditability
through SOC Certification


A SOC 2 examination can be performed as a Type I or Type II examination. In both instances, an opinion is provided on the controls designed in your policies, procedures, and processes governing the system used to provide products and services to your customers. Your policies, procedures, and processes must meet the requirements of one or more trust services criteria. The trust services criteria include Security, Availability, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity, and Privacy. Trust services criteria are selected by you and are based on the product or service provided and the industry which you operate.

  • Security – where the system is protected against unauthorized access, use, or modification (both physical and logical)
  • Availability – where the system is available for operation and use as committed or agreed
  • Processing integrity – where the system processing is complete, valid, accurate, timely, and authorized
  • Confidentiality – where Information designated as confidential is protected as committed or agreed
  • Privacy – where personal information (identifiable to an individual) is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and disposed of

SOC 2, Type I Examination

A Type I examination provides an opinion on whether the description of the system fairly represents the design of the controls in place to meet service commitments and system requirements for the selected trust services criteria. A SOC 2 Type I examination is performed at a point in time. The distribution of a SOC 2, Type I report is restricted.

SOC 2, Type II Examination

A Type II examination provides an opinion on whether the description of the system is fairly represented and whether the controls designed are operating effectively to meet service commitments and system requirements for the selected trust services criteria. A SOC 2 Type II examination is performed over a period of time called a service period. The distribution of a SOC 2, Type II report is restricted.

SOC 2 Examination Benefits

  • Work with an experienced CPA to gain valuable insight into SOC 2 trust service criteria requirements
  • Demonstrate your creditability in providing secure and reliable products and services
  • Expand your product and services to industries where a SOC 2 is required

To learn more about our SOC 2 Examination services reach out and speak to a SOC2 Services expert today!